I.D. Clinic at 2-Spirits

What is an I.D. clinic? An I.D. clinic is a clinic for those who are looking to obtain basic identification, who currently do not have the required documents requested by Service Ontario.

Please note, this is a in person clinic.

This clinic will be able to help you obtain with the following documents.

Birth Registration

Canadian Birth Certificate – wallet size

Verification of Status – replacements (formerly known as Record of Landing)

Ontario Health Card * (The client will be given a form to take to Service Ontario. This form allows them to get their health card without ID).

Ontario Photo ID Card (Must already have a health card and birth certificate or verification of status. An appointment is required to Service Ontario with ID worker. They must meet with ID worker first.)

Unfortunately, ID Workers cannot assist with the following documents:

Permanent Resident (PR) Card

Canadian Citizenship Card

Foreign Birth certificates

Canadian or Foreign Passport

Ontario Driver License

 Please note this clinic will have limited space and you must register before attending.


If you have any questions please email programs@2spirits.org

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